
Gynobserve is a comprehensive, economical, secure patient registration program created for obstetricians and gynecologists. Gynobserve is specially designed for maternal fetal medicine and gynecology specialists and provides data management solution for obstetric and gynecological evaluation and reporting using the latest technology.

Gynobserve Gynobserve Try it free for 14 days

  • Gynobserve can be used by both OBGYN (Gynecology and Obstetrics) physicians and radiologists.
  • We also have a program called MRACTUS-X for radiology specialists.
  • Uberty-xy, an IVF program, will soon be available as a separate program and can be used and integrated with Gynobserve.
  • Gynobserve is currently available in 8 different languages. Our web page is in English. Similarly, our profile page and purchasing website are in English. You can use the program in the language you purchased. Your other licenses that you will purchase must also be in this language you choose.
  • Gynobserve always remains up to date. You will not have any update, upgrade, hardware or maintenance costs.
  • Gynobserve is used online via the browser. Internet is required for its use. Your computer and the modems you connect should not block You can probably use Gynobserve if you can view In cases where you are unable to use it, you should contact your institution's IT staff. You can use Gynobserve on both Windows and Macintosh operating systems. Using the latest versions of operating systems and browsers reduces the likelihood of problems. We recommend using the latest version of the Chrome browser for Windows operating systems. However, Edge and Fireforks can also be used as browsers for windows users. We recommend using Safari and Chrome on Macintosh operating systems. In order for Gynobserve to work, Cookie and javascript must be allowed in the browser settings, they must not be blocked. Thanks to SSL technology, the data exchange between the server and your computer is encrypted. Therefore it is reliable. Your data is backed up daily and is safe behind firewalls.
  • With Gynobserve, you can record both pregnancy follow-up and gynecological evaluation. You can also create descriptive pictures for gynecological pathologies.
  • There is also a separate interface for your patients. They can access the necessary data and access contents specific to your patients prepared by you. Only your patients can see them. If you printed epicrisis and gave it to the patient, these epicrisis can be accessed as PDF. If the epicrisis is not printed and given to the patient, they will not be able to access the epicrisis.
  • Patients can record their vital/glucose follow-up on their own applications anywhere at home or at work. You can view this records from your own interface.
  • You can use Gynobserve on desktop or mobile devices. In mobile use, all data of the patient can be viewed, but cannot be added or changed. However, notes can be taken and saved for the patient.
  • Gynobserve has its own appointment system. You and your assistant can manage your appointments together. You can also license your assistant and coordinate in the practice.
  • In clinical conditions, many doctors and many assistants can work in coordination using Gynobserve. In this case, each user must have a license purchased by one senior clinician.
  • With Gynobserve, you can create a recipe, convert it into PDF and send it by e-mail if you wish. With Gynobserve, you can create a treatment plan for your patient. The patient sees this plan daily from the pocket application and knows when to use what medication.
  • With Gynobserve, it is possible to enter and follow up all imaging, pathology, consultation and analysis.
  • Detailed gestational age and pregnacy ralated dates calculations regarding pregnancy can be made with Gynobserve.
  • Gynobserve contributes to the standard implementation of pregnancy follow-up and therefore reduces your medicolegal responsibilities.
  • With Gynobserve, pregnancy results (in terms of mother and fetus) can be recorded and studies can be done.
  • Gynobserve offers solutions for both Obstetrics and perinatology. Ultrasound evaluation with Gynobserve can be done with ISUOG minimums or in detail. Therefore, both gynecologists and perinatologists can use it.
  • While performing ultrasound measurements with Gynobserve, you can either create and use your own nomogram tables or use ready-made tables for percentiles.
  • With Gynobserve, an ultrasound report can be created and printed in PDF format. In addition, antenatal evaluation can be printed as an epicrisis (PDF) or mailed.
  • Gynobserve allows you to create as many logo and contact settings as you want from your profile and use the logo contact information of those institutions or your own while printing reports in different institutions or environments.
  • When using Gynobserve, you can make the fields you want invisible and simplify the forms or reports. Fields left blank in Gynobserve forms are not seen in the report and therefore do not cause suspicion / confusion.
  • When using Gynobserve, you can create different color codes for the form fields you want and group the fields meaningfully.
  • You can plan and implement multi-center studies with your other colleagues who use Gynobserve.
  • With Gynobserve, you can create clinical algorithms that are difficult to remember and use them when necessary.
  • With Gynobserve, you can create risk analysis and assessments for diseases and perform risk analyzes for each patient by pressing a single button or entering a small amount of data.
  • You can make OMIM calls from anomalies entered in Gynobserve forms by pressing a single button.
  • With Gynobserve, you can make data inquiries when necessary and receive your data in excell format.
  • With Gynobserve, you can track patient payments. Incomes can be analyzed daily, monthly and yearly.
  • With Gynobserve, you can make data entry errors auditable before printing a report.
  • You can suggest different captions for controls you do not like in Gynobserve's forms.
  • While using or trying Gynobserve, you can report complaints and problems and request to add features on the profile page.
  • When using Gynobserve, you can create your own simple or hybrid lists to enter standard data for each field in the forms.
  • We do not recommend using any other program without trying Gynobserve.
  • Gynobserve will be on the promotion for 6 months.
  • You must register for a trial version before you can purchase Gynobserve. After registration you can try Gynobserve for 14 days. While trying it out or when your trial period is up, you can buy it from the shopping section of your profile page.
  • Gynobserve can be a patient registration and follow-up solution for the members of the Friends of Fetal Medicine Foundation FMF group on facebook as well as members of worldwide associations registered to FIGO , such as ACOG, RCOG and ISUOG.
  • See Howtos for more information and visuals

Associations for which Gynobserve could be a solution for their members

  • Türk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Derneği TJOD
  • Türk Perinatoloji Derneği TPD
  • Ürojinekoloji Derneği
  • Üreme Tıbbı ve Cerrahisi Derneği UTCD
  • Türkiye Maternal Fetal Tıp ve Perinatoloji Derneği TMFTP
  • Türk Ürojinekoloji ve Pelvik Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi Derneği TÜJD
  • Üreme Sağlığı ve İnfertilite Derneği TSRM
  • Türk Jinekolojik Onkoloji Derneği TRSGO
  • Minimal İnvaziv Jinekoloji Derneği MİJİD